Sunday, April 20, 2014

Team Tournament

Day 1
We played Italy today and lost 2-1. I won my match 3-0. We had to play England, the number one seed(all their players ended up in the top 4 of the individuals. The number 2 girl played since we knew that we would lose anyway.  I was pretty disappointed that I couldn't play the English girl (ranked one or two u19). I just wanted to see how many points I could get against one of the best players of Europe.  Tomorrow, we play Czech Republic and Sweden.

Day 2
I played first against the Czech number one and lost 3-0. The first game was fairly close, it was 11-9. The coach just told me to keep playing the same way which didn't really make sense to me. She won the next two with ease.  Later, we played Sweden and beat them for our first win! We were already in the 9-16 bracket.  I played horribly but won 3-0, 11-7,11-6,11-5. We'll play Scotland next.

Day 3
I was supposed to play last but we lost the first two so the girl next to me in the picture above played. Her back was aching so she didn't play very well. We played Switzerland a few hours later and against, lost the first two. I played a best of 3(usually it's best of 5) match and won in two really close games, 14-12, 15-13. My friend told me afterwards that she was ranked #3 under 17 in all of Europe! I might not have won if someone had told me that beforehand.

Day 4
We played Italy again for 15th place! We lost the first match, and won the next two! I played a different Italian girl(the other one probably didn't want to play me again :) and beat her 3-0, 11-2, 11-2, 11-2. So we ended up two higher than our seeding.

This was an awesome adventure and I got to play some of my best squash as well as watch some intense matches. It was my first time traveling with a team and it was a great experience! I going over to Hoofdorp and training there for a few days, and then my aunt and uncle will pick me up and I can hangout with cousins for the weekend! Also looking forward to Italy!!!!

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