Friday, May 30, 2014

New Zealand!

Hi! Today I'm in New Zealand! I experienced a few earthquakes because of the Alpine Fault(transform boundary). The Australian plate moves northeast while the Pacific Plate moves southwest.

Here you can see the fault pretty clearly.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Because of the divergent plate boundary I celebrated by....................

That's right! I finally bought myself the Divergent book by Veronica Roth. I finished it in the airport even though it was meant for the airplane ride. It was really good! Now I want to watch the movie.

Iceland Plate Boundary

I headed over to Iceland it actually wasn't as cold as I thought. I found a squash club called Veggsport and I went sightseeing too! There's also a really interesting rift that goes right through Iceland.

I did some research and found that Iceland is on the border of two tectonic plates, the Eurasian Plate, and the North American plate. They are both pulling away from each other making it a divergent boundary. Here's a picture of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at Thingvellir.

The North American Plate is moving at a rate of 2.3 cm or 1 inch per year west/southwest and the Eurasian plate is moving north at about 2 cm or 0.79 inches per year. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Italy Plate Boundary

The Netherlands and Finland are both on the Eurasian Plate but not on a boundary. However, Italy is on the boundary of the Eurasian plate and African. They are moving towards each other(African 2.15 cm (0.85 in) per year), causing subduction. (African underneath Eurasian).
 "Subduction zones are sites of high rates of volcanism, earthquakes, and mountain building." -Wikipedia

On, is a list of the earthquakes these past few years near the boundary. 

This boundary caused the eruption of the Mt. Vesuvius, which is still active. It is also the source of other volcanoes in Italy, such as Campi Flegrei, Stromboli, Mount Etna, and Vulcano. Subduction creates these volcanoes as a plate underneath the other carries down rock which melts and is later brought up to the surface. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Amsterdam/The Hague

I trained at the Frans Otten Stadion on Tuesday and trained in Hoofdorp as well as Almere until Friday. My aunt picked me up and we took the train to The Hague. When we got there, my cousins Sethe(5), and Felou(almost 3) were already asleep. The next day was Koningsdag! (King's day) Everyone was dressed in orange and we went to the vrijmarkt(a flea market), usually the day after, but Sunday is a rest day. I didn't get anything but my cousins got about 5 pairs of shoes each as well as a princess dress for Felou. We went to the beach later, but the water was too cold so no swimming.. :( The following day we went to the zoo with my grandparents, they met us there, and took some selfies with the rhinos!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Team Tournament

Day 1
We played Italy today and lost 2-1. I won my match 3-0. We had to play England, the number one seed(all their players ended up in the top 4 of the individuals. The number 2 girl played since we knew that we would lose anyway.  I was pretty disappointed that I couldn't play the English girl (ranked one or two u19). I just wanted to see how many points I could get against one of the best players of Europe.  Tomorrow, we play Czech Republic and Sweden.

Day 2
I played first against the Czech number one and lost 3-0. The first game was fairly close, it was 11-9. The coach just told me to keep playing the same way which didn't really make sense to me. She won the next two with ease.  Later, we played Sweden and beat them for our first win! We were already in the 9-16 bracket.  I played horribly but won 3-0, 11-7,11-6,11-5. We'll play Scotland next.

Day 3
I was supposed to play last but we lost the first two so the girl next to me in the picture above played. Her back was aching so she didn't play very well. We played Switzerland a few hours later and against, lost the first two. I played a best of 3(usually it's best of 5) match and won in two really close games, 14-12, 15-13. My friend told me afterwards that she was ranked #3 under 17 in all of Europe! I might not have won if someone had told me that beforehand.

Day 4
We played Italy again for 15th place! We lost the first match, and won the next two! I played a different Italian girl(the other one probably didn't want to play me again :) and beat her 3-0, 11-2, 11-2, 11-2. So we ended up two higher than our seeding.

This was an awesome adventure and I got to play some of my best squash as well as watch some intense matches. It was my first time traveling with a team and it was a great experience! I going over to Hoofdorp and training there for a few days, and then my aunt and uncle will pick me up and I can hangout with cousins for the weekend! Also looking forward to Italy!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2014


We went to the inner city of Helsinki. There wasn't much to do, so we just walked around the plaza and took some pictures. At least the weather was great! The Belgian team came with us and since a girl from their team won, we went to McDonald's! Athlete's food! (It's actually the official restaurant of the Olympics) It was actually a bet. We had chicken nuggets, fries, and McFlurries(ice cream). I'm not sure if they have those in the US because I had never heard of it before. The architecture was pretty cool.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Individual Tournament Week

I just finished the individual tournament and got 20th of of 40 girls which is great, considering the fact that I can play another 5 times! I played 6 matches, won three and lost three against girls from Germany, Austria, France, Spain, and Switzerland. I had an amazing time and was able to watch some intense matches. Today, we get a rest day, and then the team tournament starts! We're going to the inner city with the train from our hotel with the Belgian team(they speak Flemish, a dialect of Dutch). I'm still getting used to it. Thankfully, I can get away without Finnish; I only know the numbers up till five, vesi(water), and kiitos(thank you). So far this week, the weather hasn't been very good but I was in the squash center or the hotel most of the time so it didn't matter. But today, the sun is shining!!

Friday, April 11, 2014


I arrived in the Netherlands on Wednesday!! I''m already in Finland though, and today I play my first squash match! Here are pictures I took on the plane of Holland.

Friday, March 28, 2014



As it so happens, I will be in Europe from April 9-May 5 for a few squash tournaments and I will be writing about the places I will be going, which are The Netherlands, Finland, and Italy. Unfortunately The Netherlands is as flat as a pancake so the tectonic plates there aren't too interesting. Also, I won't be able to go to the Southern Hemisphere so this blog will be part real and part made-up.  I hope you enjoy the blog!